Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier Mug
From £7.49
The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald Mug
Charlotte's Web, E B White Mug
The Go-Between, L P Hartley Mug
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy Mug
I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith Mug
Peter and Wendy, J M Barrie Mug
1984 George Orwell Mug
Herzog, Saul Bellow Mug
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte Mug
The Catcher in the Rye, J D Salinger Mug
The Outsider, Albert Camus Mug
A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens Mug
Moby Dick, Herman Melville Mug
Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut Mug
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury Mug
The Luck of the Bodkins, P G Wodehouse Mug
Ulysses, James Joyce Mug
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov Mug
On the Road, Jack Kerouac Mug